Reasons why ghosting your recruiter isn’t a good idea!
As you may have noticed, the current job market is thriving with positions and new jobs popping up left right and centre. Unfortunately, the candidates aren’t! So, what does this mean? It means that no matter what sector you find yourself working in, there is a lot more choice for people who are job hunting – Far more than there would have been pre-pandemic!
Now, we’re not saying don’t give yourself options, of course do! Everyone needs to find a job that is best for them and their lifestyle, but we would rather you be upfront with what you’re after rather than going through the whole process to be a no show! It’s so important that if at any point in your employment you decide it’s not for you, that’s okay, but please let us know your intentions!
It’s just a fact of recruiting that you’re going to have your candidates disappear at almost every stage of the process. That’s just the nature of the industry. Some ignore your calls, some don’t turn up for interview, some just fail to turn up to their first day at work. And the ones who will start the job, confirm all of their following shifts, then you never hear from them again with absolutely no explanation! This can obviously be frustrating for both ourselves, as the recruiters, but also the businesses which we send our temps!
Our job, is to find the best candidates, work out who is serious for the roles, who shows willing and who just basically waves a red flag! (You normally spot the signs pretty quick!)
We always do our best to accommodate the needs of our temps at all times. We understand that although the process of coming in for your interviews is preferable to us (and sometimes necessary), we always try to offer an alternative. Whether this be doing the registration and interview over the phone or organising for a day where we have been out and about on a registration day.
With all of the different ways we try to accommodate you, it’s unfair to lose all communication after the amount of effort we put in! Not only that, but it gives a really bad impression of yourself! We absolutely do not discriminate, we are always willing to give people other chances, depending on their circumstances. But from past experience, we have to protect our reputation and our clients by only sending people who are reliable and hard working. By simply disappearing off the face of the earth, you are not only jeopardising your opportunities, but if you’re not serious about the job, you may be blocking an opportunity for someone who is serious and may really need that position.
Those who have burnt multiple bridges, will not be offered alternatives, simple as that!
We can only help you, as much as you help us!
But it’s not all doom and gloom! We completely understand that with there being so many positions out there at the moment, its very normal to change your mind about a job and want to go somewhere else. That being said, it’s always best to just communicate! If you have any worries, queries, or just ‘stupid’ questions, give us a call! We can almost always help ease your worries and sometimes even manage to accommodate you by placing you in alternative positions!
Moral of the story, always stay in contact with your recruiter! We are in these jobs because we love what we do! We enjoy staying in contact with our clients and our temps because we get to build bonds with people and we work day in and day out to find people work in a way that will be flexible and convenient for them!
Take a look at our available positions to see if we can help you! Looking for something specific? Give us a call on 01938 501445, there have been times that we have positions available that get a first refusal from a bank of candidates so it’s always worth being registered with us!